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  • Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 5 MB.
    Supported file types: pdf, doc/docx. Max size file size: 5MB.

QA/QC Coordinator (M/F)

  • Professional Training in the area of Quality Control, or Degree/Master in the area of Mechanical Engineering/Engineering Industrial management;
  • Minimum experience of 1 year in similar functions;
  • Experience with international standards for materials, EN1090 structure, pressure/process piping and vessel codes, NDT and welding procedures, ASME, API, EN codes;
  • Good knowledge of Microsoft Office;
  • Knowledge of foreign languages (English – intermediate level, other languages - Plus);
  • Attention to detail, time management and great communication skills;
  • Immediate availability for projects in the Sines area.
Main tasks
  • Quality control technician management;
  • Develop and implement the Project Quality Plan (PQP), procedures related to project quality such as Inspection and Test Plan (ITP);
  • Develop the Welding Book - "WPQR List / WPS List / WQT List", for approval by the Welding Engineer;
  • Ensure that inspection procedures and requirements are met through surveillance and the respective witnessed inspections;
  • Ensure an acceptable uniform interpretation of the defined technical and quality requirements;
  • Execute design quality and approve for construction;
  • Perform quality audits as needed;
  • Conduct supplier surveys when necessary;
  • Guide the project team on quality requirements to promote self-assessment of work activity and reduce reliance on inspection personnel to identify potential concerns;
  • Welders Certification Management;
  • Responsible for inspection and supervision of quality control during manufacturing and installation, proactively work on problem prevention and resolution;
  • Provide weekly reports to the Project Manager regarding detected problems and possible resolutions;
  • Provide early warning of potential quality issues and ensure nonconformities are identified, tracked and closed;
  • Compilation of quality documentation to issue the Final Data Book to be sent to the customer.