News from the category:

Social Responsibility

Mecwide makes the difference | Environmental Action

At Mecwide, we believe that making a difference is an ongoing commitment to the environment and society. As an ISO 14001 certified company, we have a duty to act responsibly and sustainably, contributing to a greener and healthier world. In celebration of World Environment Day, celebrated annually on June 5, we decided to carry out … Continued

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Honjo Yetu | Mecwide Angola

Mecwide actively contributes to social causes, considering Corporate Social Responsibility as a pillar of reference.  We aspire to make positive contributions to the communities we are in.                Last March, Mecwide Angola organized a social action at the Primary School Nº 50, Kifuma, Soyo.  We delivered more than 400 … Continued

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Smile Day 2022 | Mecwide Mozambique

Last November, Mecwide Mozambique organized the 5th edition of the Smile Day, which was attended by about 500 people. A day dedicated to our employees and their families, customers and local community. On this day many smiles were delivered to the families of employees of the Mozambique unit, as well as toys and school supplies. … Continued

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Mecwide delivery Christmas gifts at Centro Bem-Estar “A Canção”

Christmas should be a time of giving, sharing, and embracing the joy present in the community around us. Mecwide provided warm smiles, with the delivery of Christmas gifts at Centro Bem-Estar “A Canção” and Mecwin, our mascot, brought love and joy to everyone. This centre is a Occupational Activities Centre and Residential Home from Portuguese … Continued

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Humanitarian aid to the population of Mozambique

In 2019, Mecwide promoted, together with a wide range of companies and associations in Portugal, a collection of goods that made it possible to gather 13 tons of items including clothing, medicines, food products, hygiene and cleaning products. In order to associate ourselves with the initiatives in support of the Sofala province, hit hard by … Continued

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Social Responsibility at Mecwide

Mecwide actively contributes to social causes, considering social responsibility as a pillar of reference. Our positioning translates into actions of responsible practices for the entire community, involving employees, clients, suppliers and partners. Since 2017, we have supported UDREAM, in making dreams come true for children in poor health, having already sponsored the dreams of 4 … Continued

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